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Foto del escritorAngeles Arreola

20 Minutes...Miracle of Life!

April 2021

This testimony is for the honor, praise and glory of He who lives and reigns, the giver of Life, our Lord Jesus Christ.

On February 2nd around 1:30pm, I received a voice mail that would drastically change my life forever: "Please call me, your son Alex has been hurt and transported to the hospital!" Those words shook me completely, and I knew exactly what I had to do. I didn’t leave immediately for the hospital, or rush to call back Mr. Robert (Robert is the father of one of my son’s best friends, whom he had been living with). I had another calling, I ran to my room, closed the door, and fell down on my knees before the Almighty God crying and begging mercy for my son, even without knowing exactly what had happened to him. I entered fully into the presence of the Lord and was guided by his Holy Spirit, and during that prayer the Lord somehow made me realize that what had happened had to do with a gunshot. A bullet had hit my son! And although I did not know where or how it happened, I knew that my son was between life and death! My prayer intensified... with crying, moaning and lamenting... imploring mercy to the God of the heavens.

In my anguish I called upon the Lord and cried out to my God.

He heard my voice from his temple, and my cry came before him, into his ears.

Psalm 18:6

I cried, wept, and reminded the Lord that I had put my son in His hands and that he had been set apart for Christ. The Lord brought to my mind the passage of the Bible on the widow of Nain (Luke 7:11-17) which says that when this mother was going to bury his only son, our Lord Jesus Christ was moved by her tears and He resurrected him! I knew that the Lord could also save my son if that was His will! I kept begging, crying, imploring. And at one point during prayer, I felt the need to be silent for a few moments. And that's when I clearly felt in my mind and in my heart the words that changed everything:


Hallelujah!!! Glory to the one Eternal God forever! My Lord had listened to me and answered me! I even ‘heard’ that phrase twice, confirming what I had heard the first time. At that moment my prayer turned into one of gratitude and praise. Glory be to the ONE who lives and reigns forever! AMEN!!!

Once I was done praying and praising the Lord, I got up and rushed to the hospital. On my way, I called Robert back. He told me what I already knew…my son had been shot! However, I never imagined the bullet had actually entered through his face (between his nose and right cheekbone) and came out on the back of his head (a couple of inches from his right ear). Robert told me Alex had been taken to Memorial Hermann in downtown Houston. He loves Alex like a son and was really affected by what had happened. As I kept driving, I tried to comfort him and let him know that the Lord would save him because He had put that thought in my mind and heart. I told him I was sure of it because God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent (Numbers 23:19). He always delivers on His promises.

I've held onto that very thought since then, and that has kept me going, especially during those extremely difficult moments. I arrived at the hospital and called a number Robert had provided for me to inquire about Alex. They told me I wasn’t going to be able to see my son that day and to go back home. They also said he was having major surgery and that they would call me with any news. But I couldn't leave. I stayed at the parking lot praying and thanking the Lord because I knew He was going to save him. During my prayer, the Lord made me think of the verse that says that if we want to be forgiven, we must also forgive (Matthew 6:14-15). Therefore, with all my heart and sincerity, I decided to forgive the person who did this to my son. I went into prayer asking the Lord to have mercy on him - whomever that person was. I prayed for his soul’s salvation.

I stayed at that parking lot praying for my son for a couple of hours, asking the Lord to guide the hand of the doctors and nurses that were in the operative room assisting my son. Around 5pm, I received a phone call from the doctor that performed the operation, Dr. Mark Dannenbaum. He told me it had been a very complicated procedure…they had to remove part of Alex’s bone on his skull to allow room for the brain swelling. He told me that the chances for a positive outcome were really low and that my son was in very critical condition. I thanked Dr. Dannenbaum for the call, for the surgery he had just done, but also told him that I was convinced my son would be ok…that the Lord would save him - for his honor and glory! The doctor also mentioned that Alex was at the Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Memorial Hermann. That is when I realized I had been at the incorrect Memorial Hermann building downtown. So, I got all the information for the exact location and headed that way even though he told me they would probably not let me see my son because of strict visitation restrictions due to the pandemic. Even with that in mind, I started the 15 minute drive to the correct place - I needed to be physically as close as possible to my son, even if I couldn't see him.

While driving, I received a call from a different doctor - Dr. Ritvij Bowry - who had been assigned to Alex as his main/primary doctor. He told me Alex’s condition was deteriorating and that I should get to the hospital as soon as possible. I told him I was already on my way and very close to the hospital. Then the next words he told me would have gotten me to lose control of the vehicle if it weren’t for the strength the Almighty Lord had given me. He said: YOUR SON HAS ONLY HOURS LEFT, MAYBE EVEN MINUTES! Those were his exact words. I was momentarily shaken, but immediately remembered the words from the Lord and I told Dr. Bowry: MY SON WILL BE FINE, IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

I got to the hospital and after going thru a few ‘roadblocks’, opposition, answering some general questions, and undergoing COVID screening, I finally arrived at the NICU around 6pm. They didn’t let me in right away, I had to wait for Dr. Bowry outside because he wanted to talk to me again before letting me see my son. He wanted to explain to me what had happened during the operation procedure.

Dr. Bowry explained that on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being one’s normal stage, and 10 being dead), my son had arrived at the emergency room at a heart sinking 9.9! He also told me that during the surgery, Alex’s heart rate started to weaken to the point that it completely stopped beating! And this all happened while they still had his head open. They had to rush to close the opening so they could try reviving him, but it wasn’t an easy task at all. They ended up using staples instead of stiches so they could get him closed quickly. However, even with all that, 20 minutes passed by...Yes, for 20 long minutes, my son didn't have a heartbeat! But after that, a miracle happened: The Almighty God brought my son’s back to life! HONOR, PRAISE AND GLORY BE TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!

I had already believed with all my heart the words I 'heard' from the Lord earlier that day, but that was just a wonderful confirmation that He was in control and that He had, in fact, saved my son’s life. Dr. Bowry told me that they had done all they could, and that there was nothing else to be done, and reiterated that he didn’t think my son would make it through the night. I told him that I understood they had done all they could and that I appreciated it very much. I then took my Bible out from my purse, I showed it to him and told him: "This is what I am holding onto: the Word of the Lord, because this book contains the TRUTH and it is LIFE! And there is one more thing I’d like to tell you...where the medicine and human science comes to an end, that is exactly when the powerful hand of the Lord starts to act! And you will see it: MY SON WILL BE FINE - in Jesus’ name!"

After that, he let me go inside the Intensive Care Unit and walked with me to Alex’s room. I remember stopping for a brief moment right before turning to enter into the room to say one more prayer asking the Lord for strength and for my faith not to fail me no matter what my eyes would see. I then opened my eyes and walked in. What I saw would have made me fall apart if it weren’t for the Lord’s strength and merciful love. There was my beloved son…laying down on that bed with medical equipment and monitors everywhere, tubes going through his nose and mouth, a bloodied pillow, a severely swollen purple right eye, and in a coma! Some blood was still coming out of his mouth and nose and the place between his nose and right cheek -where the bullet had entered. My heart broke seeing him like that, but all I could do was to be THANKFUL; he was there…ALIVE!

I went directly to him, held his hand, and kneeled down…I started praying again. I didn’t care if the doctors and nurses were there, I just wanted to thank the Lord for the miracle of bringing him back to life and for all that was yet to be done -for all the other miracles we would see throughout his recovery. My prayer was one of praising and singing to the Lord. Yes, I did sing to the Lord in the Intensive Care Unit; the doctors and nurses were very respectful and understanding. I was so concentrated in prayer and praising the Lord that I didn’t even notice when the doctor and nurses came in and out of the room.

First, they had told me I would not be able to see him that day, but I was not just able to see him, but they let me stay with him for about 6 hours until midnight. However, the only reason why they let me see him was because they really thought he wasn’t going to make it. During my stay there, they even sent a chaplain to talk to me to prepare me for what they thought was going to happen over the next few hours. And you know what? Doctors can say what they think; however, the last word is always the word of the Lord!

I know that it was the Lord who also opened the doors for me to be able to get to Alex’s bed; it was crucial that I talk to him about repentance and about accepting Jesus in his heart as his only Savior and Lord. And I did! I know they told me he was in a coma and couldn’t hear me, but I know he did…the Lord has the power to do that and much more! And the confirmation of that was when I had just finished guiding him to pray (in his heart and mind) the prayer of faith, a tear came out of his left eye and down his cheek – I knew he had heard me! He was now a child of God as well…my son in the flesh, but my brother in Jesus Christ. GLORY BE TO THE LORD JESUS!!!

After that, if the Lord had decided to take him, I would have been at peace knowing I would see him again one day, but God has other plans for him. I also pray for all the lost souls that will come to the Lord Jesus from his testimony and preaching…one day! I know he has a calling from God. The Lord does not do things without a purpose and I know that if He brought him back to life it is for a specific reason that he will reveal to Alex when the time is right.

While I was with Alex, I kept asking the Lord to keep me strong, to not let my faith diminish, to rebuke any and all thoughts the enemy of the souls was trying to put in my head to make me doubt. At that moment, I asked the Lord with all my heart to speak to me through His word, I opened my Bible not knowing where it would take me to, and the first thing I saw was the passage in the book of Matthew Chapter 9 where Jesus heals a paralytic. What stood out the most was that when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic: "Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven." But the passage also says that Jesus said to the paralytic "Rise, pick up your bed and go home!" Thank you, Jesus!!! The Lord always knows exactly what we need, and at that very moment, that was the perfect scripture passage the Lord took me to. That told me I needed to keep believing no matter what I was seeing or hearing. And it also told me that in time - when the Lord thinks it is the perfect time, He will lift up my son - for His own glory!

Visiting hours were over, so I left the hospital around midnight; however, I left with a wonderful feeling, knowing my son would be ok. I had just witnessed firsthand a miracle of life…20 minutes my son was dead, but the Almighty and Eternal God brought him back to life!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

I continued to pray day and night, thanking the Lord for the miracles we were yet to see, and we witnessed many!! Every new advancement in my son’s recovery was a victory, even if it was small. For me, they were wonderful blessings and miracles. About two weeks later, he awoke from the coma. I cried happy tears and thanked and praised the Lord. We also celebrated and thanked the Lord when Alex was taken out of the Intensive Care unit, when he was able to breath on his own and no longer need the ventilator, when his was discharged from the hospital and transported to an inpatient Rehab Center on February 25. All of his wonderful accomplishments have been all victories from the Lord.

Alex's 23rd birthday...leaving the hospital to go to TIRR.

Alex was taken to the Rehab Center on his 23rd Birthday, about 3 weeks after entering the hospital in critical condition. What I wonderful gift from the Lord - to be leaving the hospital to continue with his rehabilitation at a TIRR Memorial Hermann Rehab Center! At TIRR, we continued to see amazing improvements in Alex's recovery - more miracles given to us from the Lord. During his stay there, I heard my son say his first word. The doctors at the hospital had told me they didn’t know if he was going to be able to speak again or to walk. But he said his first word about 10 days after being at the Rehab Center and it was the word "AMEN" (when I was done saying a prayer before leaving to come back home). And the day I saw him walk with some help for the first time was on March 8 -yet another miracle! The Lord has granted numerous miracles in my son’s recovery. The therapists and doctors were all very impressed by his amazing progress. I always made sure to tell them that it was all coming from the Lord!

Alex was discharged from the Rehab Center early in April. He is now home and will continue with outpatient rehab and therapy. He also has additional surgeries forthcoming, but all is in the Lord’s hands and I am certain that my son will be fine -just as I felt it from the Lord.

On April 8, we had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Dannenbaum, who will be putting the bone back in his head in May (meanwhile, he must wear a helmet whenever he is out of bed). That day, for the first time, we met the doctor that the Lord used to save Alex’s life. It was wonderful to hear how even the doctor said it was a miracle that Alex was alive. He mentioned what had happened in the Operating Room. I told him I had been praying for the Lord to guide him and everyone else assisting my son, and he said they really had “extra” help from above! He also talked about the 20 minutes…and the miracle of life that is now my son!

Alex still has a road ahead to full recovery, but I will patiently wait on the Lord for him to work his plans in my son’s life according to his perfect will and timing! In the meantime, we continue to praise the Lord every day for what He has done, what He is doing, and for what He will do.

I thank all of you, family and friends, for your support, thoughts and prayers for my son's full recovery. May the Almighty God keep and bless you immensely.

This testimony is to give honor, praise, and glory to the Almighty God, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ…because He is good and his mercy endures forever; but also because I promised him I would proclaim His holy name and testify to all about his mercy, unconditional love, faithfulness, and amazing grace!


Photo taken on Sunday 4/4/2021 -right after church service.

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